Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo
Add “unicorn rider” to this kid’s resume ???
Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo Read More »
Add “unicorn rider” to this kid’s resume ???
Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo Read More »
We planned everything out so it would be a soft landing here in Playa del Carmen. But I suppose that is why they call it adventure. Our Airbnb ended up being a lemon, so we got a couple nights at a hotel to sort things out (pictured) and now have a new Airbnb for a week while we figure out a 6 month house rental to settle in to. This is not how I pictured the first week, it’s been full of stress and tears and doubt and sickness and rain. Sometimes I wonder if this was the right choice to bring these kids here, and other times they amaze me with their optimism and faith. ☀️
Craters of the Moon was pretty awesome. It was incredibly hot though. We barely survived the hike to Buffalo Cave and back. If the cave hadn’t provided a cool, dark place to rest and recover, before the return hike, we might have been in trouble. -Tevya
Craters of the Moon National Monument & Preserve Read More »
@aaronsmithplanet and Kara were amazing hosts as always. They treated us to excellent food, s’mores over a fire, boat rides on the pond, crawdad fishing, and lots more for the kids, while I was working. They absolutely loved it. I think they would have stayed all summer if they could. -Tevya
We got to stop in Rexburg and show our kids around campus. Lorelai requested this picture in front of the Taylor building.
I was recently talking with my niece about her upcoming college choices. She threw out offhandedly the old adage that she’s looking forward to getting out of her hometown to find herself. It’s since got me thinking about how important it is to choose what influences are present during those formative years, and how you will find whatever part of yourself that you seek to.
While walking through the Taylor building, I told the kids that I had walked those halls over a hundred times and it felt so good to be back. Their eyes bulged and they didn’t believe me. But that campus was exactly where I wanted to be, and I’m so satisfied with the growth that happened during those years. It was fun to revisit those BYU-Idaho memories.